

Holding Hands with a Man

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I'm a sex worker

I'm a monitor for the union.

I live in Chile but am from Dominican Republic

We're fighting for Sex Workers because we're discriminated against

The authorities mistreat us, they arrest us for no reason often

We live in a wonderful country, not everyone is racist, not everyone discriminates

For many people we are human like everyone else

In this life there are many good and bad opportunities

I had a client who was very in love with me

He wanted to get married with me, wanted me to move in with him

But it didn't work out

He left, he stopped calling me

Another day I saw him walking down the road hand in hand with a man

And everything went badly

Many men have many different fantasies

They want different things from different people

I'm very proud of Chile, people discriminate sometimes but not all the time

I've learnt a lot from the union

With my work mates we organise meetings, help our colleagues, take them to get checked up

Help in every way we can

We fight for this union to protect women, to get them to use protection

To learn from each other

Cause there are so many hidden surprises

Sometimes you think you're in one situation and it's completely another

Thanks to god nothing bad has happened to me

I'm very happy in my life

I don't regret what I'm doing

I'm proud of what I do cause it's a job like any other job I work on

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Photo: Top Right, 'Hug' by Manu Valcarce
'Rosalind' violin/rose image by Vera Rodriguez
for other credits click here.
© Experimental Experience 2024 Photo of our cast hugging from the 2014 teaser performance at Bar Wotever at the Vauxhall Tavern